
Privacy policy


Our site (the “Site”) is managed by ISAMBANE NEWS (PTY) LTD (“ISAMBANE NEWS) “, “we”, “us” or potentially “our”) and has been made to give our Site guests (“you”, “your”) with data about our business and items/administrations and our business. This Privacy Policy (this “Arrangement”) presents our approach concerning by and by recognizable data (“Individual Data”), which is gathered from you through the Site (the “Administrations”).

The Administrations might change every once in a while and, subsequently, it could be essential as far as we’re concerned to execute changes to this Strategy. Likewise, we maintain all authority to refresh this Strategy whenever and occasionally without earlier notification. Accordingly, if it’s not too much trouble, audit this Approach intermittently, and particularly before you give any Private Data. Your proceeded with utilization of the Administrations after any progressions or updates to this Arrangement will demonstrate your concurrence with the conditions of such overhauled Approach.

Besides, if it’s not too much trouble, observe that this Security Strategy is important for our concurrence with you and you ought to peruse this Arrangement alongside the agreements of the Site gave here

Safeguarding your data is critical to us and we might want to make sense of why we gather, store and utilize your data and guarantee you that we will keep your data private. We will possibly share your Own Data when lawfully expected to do as such, on the off chance that we want to do as such to satisfy our concurrence with you, or on the other hand on the off chance that you have given us your agree to do as such.

Assuming you have any inquiries, if it’s not too much trouble, reach us at

What data do we gather, what do we involve it for and how would we store it?

At the point when you cooperate through our Site or different Administrations we might gather specific data from you, including Individual Data. We will possibly gather Individual Data from you when you deliberately furnish us with such data.

The data we might gather from you will differ yet can incorporate your name, address, email address, IP locations or phone number. By furnishing us with the data deliberately, you are consenting to our utilization thereof and thusly you recognize, concur and explicitly assent that such Private Data might be moved from you to our servers and approved outsiders in regard of the Administrations.

Kindly likewise note that we likewise get and store standard data from you of a non-recognizable nature, which is data which is gotten when you communicate with the Webpage in regards to your web association and online administrations. We might utilize such data to follow developments on the Webpage and work on the Website and online administrations. Such data will incorporate the URL you came from, IP address, area type, program type, country your gadget is found and any hunt terms you entered on our site. This data won’t recognize you except if joined with Individual Data and we don’t involve Individual Data in this cycle.

Besides, we don’t intentionally gather Individual Data of youngsters without the assent of a parent or watchman.

Any private data gathered by us and our approved specialists through this site is gathered legally and decently and not in any absurd nosy way. You recognize and concur that all data submitted through this site is done openly and at your own volition and that we might gather this data from you regarding or as a result of your utilization of this site.

We will be the sole proprietor of the data gathered on this site. Besides, we will not offer, offer or lease this data to others in any capacity other than as uncovered in these privacy policy.

In conclusion, you may be keen on our pamphlets, to which you can buy in. You can withdraw from our pamphlets whenever and from that point we won’t send them to you.

What are treats and the way that we use them

We might utilize treats, which are little text documents put away in a client’s program, or web signals, to be specific electronic pictures that permit this Website to count clients who have gotten to a specific page and to get to specific treats, to guarantee that the Website is very much overseen and to work with progress of the Website. Moreover, we might utilize treats to gather total information and to follow data on our frameworks and distinguish classifications of clients by things, for example, IP addresses, spaces, program types and pages visited occasionally.

Treats are not PC programs and don’t run on a PC like projects do. The treats situated on our site can’t accumulate data or capability all alone. They can’t gather any private data about you or your machine and can’t accumulate information or data about what you do on the Web. Treats just empower us to give a more significant web-based insight to you. While you can set up your Web program to cripple treat innovation, we don’t suggest that you do this since certain pieces of this site and our internet based administrations may not work as expected, or by any means.

Divulgence/sharing of Individual Data

We regard your security and are not in that frame of mind of selling or imparting your data for benefit to some other association to use for their own motivations. We will just share your Own Data as accommodated in this Approach as follows:

in the event that it is vital as far as we’re concerned to do as such for us to convey a Help to you as you have mentioned, in like manner it very well might be important to us to unveil your Own Data to our providers, partners, workers, specialists or project workers; or
In the event that we are expected to do as such by regulation to share your Own Data.
Mail, email or SMS advancements

Given that you have consented to this, we might utilize your own or other data to send you data on new administrations or items that might bear some significance with you and occasionally will mail, email or SMS data to you about us, our items and administrations, or our accomplices and their items or administrations. On the off chance that you don’t wish to keep getting this data you might reach us and we will eliminate you from our mailing list.

How would we safeguard your Own Data?

We take all sensible and suitable measures to guarantee that your Own Data is protected and secure. We have sensible guidelines of innovation and functional security set up to endeavor to forestall misfortune or abuse of any Private Data. Any of our approved representatives who are liable for the support of any Exceptional Individual Data as characterized by the Insurance of Individual Data Act (No. 4 of 2013) (hereinafter “POPIA”) presented by you are mentioned to keep up with the classification of such data, except if you have communicated to us in any case.

At the point when we commission different associations to offer help administrations to us, we will tie them to our security approaches to the extent that they might be expected to approach our clients’ very own data to perform such administrations. Our site might contain connections to or from different destinations. While we attempt to interface just to locales that share our elevated expectations and regard for protection, we are not liable for the substance or the security or protection rehearses utilized by different destinations. We suggest that you generally read the protection and security proclamations on such destinations.

When will we unveil individual Data without assent?

We won’t uncover individual data to anybody outside the association or associations who offer types of assistance to us without your authorization except if:

• we are constrained to do as such by regulation or as far as a court request;

• it is in the public interest to do as such;

• safeguarding our rights is fundamental

In any case, no framework is amazing sadly and we can’t ensure outright security regardless of our earnest attempts. If there is a security break, we will tell you except if we are committed by regulation not to do as such.

Your freedoms in regard of your Own Data

You reserve the option to be aware and approach what sort of Private Data we have of yours and can address, if important, or erase obsolete Individual Data we hold about you. You likewise reserve the option to have a problem with the handling of your Own Data or to demand that we move the Individual Data we hold to another association or straightforwardly to you.

Would it be advisable for you practice any of the previously mentioned privileges in regard of your Own Data, we will guarantee that we answer your solicitation in one month or less. You can reach us by messaging

Connections to different sites

This Strategy just applies to this Webpage so would it be a good idea for you follow a connection to one more site from the Website if it’s not too much trouble, take care to peruse their security strategy.

Changes to our Strategy

The assurance of Individual Data is critical to us and to that end we guarantee that our Arrangement is stayed up with the latest. Thusly, if it’s not too much trouble, ensure that you consistently survey our Approach. This Arrangement was keep going refreshed on 15 November 2023.


By utilizing the Site, you are consenting to our Strategy and consent to the agreements contained in this Approach.

The most effective method to reach us

You can reach us with any inquiries you have about our Approach or your Own Data we hold through:

email: izindaba
Post: PO Box 60395,Ingqayizivele,Madadeni, 2951
Subtleties of specialists

Assuming you wish to report an objection in regards to your Own Data that we hold on the off chance that you are miserable that we have not tended to your interests sufficiently, you can contact the Data Controller at:

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